Saturday, December 30, 2006

New Year

I dont like making resolutions, because sometimes you get too focused on the resolution itself and forget why you wanted to do the resolution in the first place. So this year I am focusing on trying to improve areas in my life to make me more like the person I want to be.

In 2007, I am going to work on the following areas in my life. In no particular order as they come into my head:

Fitness: I need to get in better shape. I'm going to go for jogging 1000 miles this year (I missed by about 100 in 2006). I will get up earlier a couple days a week and make it to the gym. I plan to run in my first half-marathon in October, so I will be training for that. Also, I am going to eat healthier as well. So that means less beer (the hard part), less junk food, and trying to eat more veggies and more actual meals.

Be a better friend: I have many great friends from college and my Air Force days and I have lost touch with too many amazing people. So this year I am going to be a better friend by getting back in touch with people from my past and be there more for my current friends.

Work towards my dream: since the girl of my dreams will never fall for me ;-), I am going to work more of my dream of becoming a writer. I wont let things distract me and I will put forth the time needed to be successful.

Be a better family member: I am going to be closer to my family. I'm going to call and write my family members who arent around here. I will see my local family members more and be there for support if needed.

Spiritual growth: I am going to make sure I get to church more and try to live a better life. I'll be there more for the people I know if they have any spiritual needs and I will be someone they can lean on.

Career: I will focus more at work and plan where I want to go in my career and make it happen. I'll screw around less and live up more to my potential.

Fiscal responsibility: I will save more money and not waste it on stupid things. I will lower my credit card debt and put money away for a house down payment.

This is a good start. We'll see if this helps me become more of the person I want to be. I'm happy where I am in my life and with the person I am, but I can always make things better.


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